Encouraging 2 Way Communication With Multiple Feedback Pathways

PLB Resistant clone
Getting feedback on a project's progress or maybe operating a helpdesk ... particularly for rural development projects or in areas with limited communication options ...It is essential the target stakeholders can let us know about progress, how well we are supporting them, and any emerging issues ... and ask the questions needed to get themselves going. Not everyone has the access, or knowhow, or maybe are simply uncomfortable in using a particular methodology.. or technology, for giving us the feedback we need. Flexibility in a system will allow manual addition of adhoc face-2-face, post (snail mail) and telephone enquiries, as well as data from formal surveys and adhoc web portal, SMS, email, and social media inputs. A web based system can provide all this ... and automated collection and collation of the electronic sources ....

Email capture
You can see and test one of the possible electronic pathways by using your email client (from your mobile as well !) to send an email to "feedback-at-diggingstick-dot-net"  ... and check the result in the feedback test database.  To see your email, you will need to login using:  Username = "test" and Password = "test".  Once logged in, you can also delete your email. This simple test is just the beginning ... once we have the email content in the database, we are able to use the information, respond, gather statistics etc. This simple test stores plain text, stripping the HTML if present. If required, options for storing HTML and file attachments can be added.  Similarly, SMS texts, Twitter, and other social media posts can also be captured, allowing us to tailor the mechanisms to suit the preferences and accessibility of target stakeholders.


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