Improving Biblio Productivity with Open-URL COinS

Reference search and select


The Open-URL Context Object (COinS) standard has been added to Biblio to make it easier to share the online data resource... e.g.  export and save selected references to a personal Zotero library will need the Zotero personal reference and citation manager (or another COinS capable system) to use this facility.


and....if you don't like the built-in generic bibliography format....Zotero lets you interchange between many alternate styles.

With the Zotero extension installed, you will see a yellow folder icon in the firefox browser toolbar. 
Click this icon and a popup will appear listing all the available references on the page....


Search biblio and select using COinS

  Select the references you want (or "Select all&quotWink and click "OK"


Saving selected references to persional Zotero library collection


Your selected references are saved to your Zotero library  with meta data available for citation and bibliography creation in one of the many available styles (or create your own)


Saved references in person Zotero collection


Tag: library bibliography metadata citation zotero


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